Fishing Scents

Fishing scents can help you catch more fish as they are very tuned in to the smell of their food. Whether they create a feeding frenzy or just tip the scales of your presentation to otherwise inactive fish, fish scents and attractants will increase your catch.
Lucky 7 BioStrike AFS Water Soluble Fish Attractants
All of our Lucky 7 BioStrike AFS Fish Attractants are the most Advanced Fishing Scents you can get. ..
Lucky 7 Catfish Attractant - Stinky Cheese
Lucky 7 Catfish Attractant - Stinky Cheese will bring in the catfish like no other scent you have ev..
Lucky 7 Gamefish Attractant - Baitfish Massacre
Lucky 7 Gamefish Attractant - Baitfish Massacre triggers game- and panfish to feed like no other sce..
Lucky 7 Gamefish Attractant Stick - Baitfish Massacre
Our AWESOME fish attractant now comes in a convenient, no mess stick!Lucky 7 Gamefish Attractant Sti..